Application Notes

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Calculations for Antenna Measurements, field strength, ERP Effective Radiated Power, EIRP Effective Isotropic Radiated Power


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Comparison table 4:1 broadband baluns, open cone or biconical elements, antenna factors for different combinations of balun and elements.


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Generation of high field strength with stacked logarithmic - periodic broadband antennas. (german only)


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Horn antenna vertical polarisation, horizontal polarisation


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Measurement of field strength below 30 MHz. (german only)


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Site evaluation beyond 1 GHz, NSA, site attenuation, ground reflection. (german only)


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History of the LISN, Transition of the 150 Ohm to the 50 Ohm system, coils with iron core, air-core coils, pre-filter choke (german only)


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Directional pattern of dipole, log.-per. antenna, logbicone antenna


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Estimation of the power requirement for Immunity Testing in Ferrite Tiled Fully Anechoic Chamber.


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The phase center of Log.-per- and hybrid antennas is moving to the antenna tip with higher frequencies. For short measurement distances this effect must be taken into account. Often 1 m and 3 m antenna factor and gain are provided in this context.


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Hints to protect the N-connector or N-jack of an antenna or device.


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CISPR 16-1-2 definines new requirements for V-AMN regarding the magnitude and phase of the impedance and the Isolation.


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Calibration of the longitudinal conversion loss LCL


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EMI-Receiver according to CISPR 16-1-1


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Assembly of an STLP 9128 x Antenna.


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Antenna calibration, calibration of conducted measurands, list of calibrations.


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Definition of the antenna center as reference point for an antenna calibration.


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Connection of DuT and LISN to ground


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Magnetic field mesuremernts in the near and far field


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Antenna factor of monopole antennas on tripod



Testing CAN bus immuity with Schwarzbeck CDN T2 (german only)